35 years
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What will EBS be like in 2028?
Jari Kukkonen

What will EBS be like in 2028? In 2023, ebsters peeked into the future and predicted what life will look like in EBS in five years.

Head of EBS Executive Education Jari Kukkonen

1. What kind of teaching methods will be used in EBS?
The focus will be on learning rather than teaching, creating a wide range of opportunities for different ways for people to learn. The learner experience is important. Learning has to be engaging and offer positive takeaways.

2. When will EBS launch its first virtual programme or curriculum?
When there’s a market need for it. The market’s ready for it now, and EBS will be as well before long.

3. What is the essential skill set that lecturers will need to possess to be successful at EBS?
They’ll have to be able to pinpoint what motivates their students. And however deep their knowledge of their subject, they’ll have to see the bigger picture from the student’s point of view, creating a meaningful context for them.

4. What will the three biggest nationalities in EBS be?
Estonians, Finns and Ukrainians.

5. Who among the ebsters has what it takes to become the president of a country, and if they do, then which country?
Given the answer I just gave, I guess mathematically speaking it’s most likely that one of them will end up becoming the president of Estonia, Finland or Ukraine. I count alumni as ebsters, too.

6. What will be the most popular programme or curriculum among prospective students, and why?
Impactful Entrepreneurship, since young people have a strong sense that the future of the whole planet depends on them and they’re willing to take on that responsibility. They’re smart and optimistic about the future.

7. Where and how will EBS celebrate its 40th birthday?
The new campus will be a hive of activity, with different people and groups taking the reins on all sorts of events.

Head of EBS Executive Education Jari Kukkonen.

8. Which currency will tuition fees be paid in?
Crypto-euros, in addition to regular euros.

9. Will EBS have a therapist on staff?
Quite a few, I suspect.

10. What will EBS be famous for, and why?
EBS will have created a vibrant community in which useful and interesting things happen. And it’ll have its say in private and public sector development.

11. Will defending a Master’s thesis be necessary for a Master’s degree?
Yes, but in a less restrictive format than it’s done at the moment.

12. What kind of new traditions will have emerged in EBS?
Everyone will race up the stairs to the top of the new building, all of them in costume.

13. Will EBS have its first robotic students?
Yes. Machine learning’s already teaching robots on a daily basis. There’ll also be robot teachers teaching humans and other robots.

14. What will students be doing to keep themselves in shape during the exam period?
All kinds of sport, meditating, eating healthily and talking things through with their coaches and mentors. Some of whom will be robots!