35 years
dedicated to the future


35 years of dedication to the future

We are used to celebrating. 35 is among the many milestones. It is by no means more important than 34 years of operation, with the 38st year promising an even greater breakthrough than all of the previous years.

We have set our sights beyond the horizon ever since EBS was established. It was 1988 and the world view was set in stone. But one man – Madis – saw an alternative future. Over the course of 35 years, EBS has been striving towards this future. It is still relevant, considering the change in people’s and society’s expectations of education.

Education is and will always remain the cornerstone for building a strong career and successful life. But should the completion of education be celebrated with a diploma, or should we rather choose an eternal self-development instead?

Estonian Business School

“First become wise, then rich.”

    Madis Habakuk

Estonian Business School student newsletter of 10 November 1995