35 years
dedicated to the future

What will EBS be like in 2028?
Meelis Kitsing

What will EBS be like in 2028? In 2023, ebsters peeked into the future and predicted what life will look like in EBS in five years.

EBS Rector Meelis Kitsing

1. What kind of teaching methods will be used in EBS?
Experiments, debates, [role-playing] games, hackathons, lectures and projects.

2. When will EBS launch its first virtual programme or curriculum?
In 2026.

3. What is the essential skill set that lecturers will need to possess to be successful at EBS?
A good command of English, flexibility and the ability to combine an academic approach with practical experience.

4. What will the three biggest nationalities in EBS be?
Estonians, Finns and Germans.

5. Who among the ebsters has what it takes to become the president of a country, and if they do, then which country?
The current governor of Eesti Pank, Madis Müller, could become the president of Estonia one day.

6. What will be the most popular programme or curriculum among prospective students, and why?
Business, Humanities and Technology (BHT).

7. Where and how will EBS celebrate its 40th birthday?
With a gala event held at the Estonia Concert Hall.

EBS Rector Meelis Kitsing

8. Which currency will tuition fees be paid in?

9. Will EBS have a therapist on staff?

10. What will EBS be famous for, and why?
It will be renowned for its ability to link university education and business.

11. Will defending a Master’s thesis be necessary for a Master’s degree?
Not for an MBA, but for an MA, yes.

12. What kind of new traditions will have emerged in EBS?
Summer studies.

13. Will EBS have its first robotic students?

14. What will students be doing to keep themselves in shape during the exam period?