35 years
dedicated to the future

Unbreakable bond with the university

Looking back on our education, we have become used to discussing what school has provided us with. But we should also consider the other perspective: what have we given to the school?

Rector Arno Almann is convinced that all alumni give something back. “A university is a nourishing mother, alma mater. A child will always have a special bond with mother, and the student a special bond with alma mater. This bond will not be broken after graduation. The success stories of our graduates help to shape the value reputation of EBS and vice versa: the success story of the university raises the value of our students and alumni,” says Almann.

Alumni activities began in EBS in the mid-1990s, when the university had a few hundred graduates. Over the years, the alumni have functioned in various means and manners, as considered appropriate by the alumni leaders. For example, the master’s club started in 1990s and the alumni association have ceased to exist.

The traditional EBS alumni dinner was held at Tallinn TV Tower in 2018.

The university is currently pursuing a stronger cooperation with the alumni. In the spring of 2016, on the rector’s initiative, the alumni board was established with the aim of enhancing the graduates’ contribution to the development of the university. The alumni fund has functioned for years, supporting the best business ideas of students and awarding scholarships to talented students.

Alumni conferences have been held, discussing powerful, exciting subjects which have garnered the attention of not only EBS students but also the general public. One of the most beloved alumni traditions is the alumni dinner, where the former schoolmates can converse and (re-)exchange contacts in a cosy environment.

The EBS Alumni Golf serves the same purpose, now known as the EBS Habakuk Cup Invitational. No one knows how many new business transactions have been initiated in alumni events, but one thing is certain – the alumni won’t forget their alma mater and stand ready to devote to the school’s success.