35 years
dedicated to the future

What will EBS be like in 2028?
Anto Liivat

What will EBS be like in 2028? In 2023, ebsters peeked into the future and predicted what life will look like in EBS in five years.

Head of Bachelor’s Studies Anto Liivat

1. What kind of teaching methods will be used in EBS?
Much the same methods as now, including still using a whiteboard and marker. Simulations, gamification and coaching techniques will be being used more than they are now though. AI and AI apps will be integrated into every subject as well.

2. When will EBS launch its first virtual programme or curriculum?
In 2027. That said, providing those sorts of programmes won’t (yet) have become a key part of its business model, but they’ll certainly make learning opportunities and the student body more diverse, and extend EBS’s geographical reach. Compared to today, AI tools will significantly increase the use of individualised learning paths and the acquisition of learning outcomes is assessed using formative assessment. Students will also be placed in situations as close to real life as possible when doing tasks – the whole authentic assessment thing.

3. What is the essential skill set that lecturers will need to possess to be successful at EBS?
Kindness and empathy, certainly. Openness to using new technological applications. An ability to imbue meaning to what their students learn.

4. What will the three biggest nationalities in EBS be?
50% Estonians, 20-30% Finns and 20-30% lots of others from all over the world.

5. Who among the ebsters has what it takes to become the president of a country, and if they do, then which country?
Obviously Estonia ahead of any others. But there are more and more ebsters wielding influence in business, in Estonia and internationally.

6. What will be the most popular programme or curriculum among prospective students, and why?
Impactful Entrepreneurship, as more and more people want to live flexible lives, be their own boss and do purposeful work dealing with important social issues.

7. Where and how will EBS celebrate its 40th birthday?
At the Estonia Concert Hall, as ever.

Head of Bachelor’s Studies Anto Liivat.

8. Which currency will tuition fees be paid in?
Both euros and cryptocurrency.

9. Will EBS have a therapist on staff?
Yes, there’ll be someone to help students and staff cope with mental health challenges.

10. What will EBS be famous for, and why?
In terms of alumni success stories and social impact, being the only business university in the world’s most enterprising digital nation.

11. Will defending a Master’s thesis be necessary for a Master’s degree?
The format of the thesis will change. You’ll have to demonstrate your ability to provide evidence-based solutions to complex, real-life problems using AI tools.

12. What kind of new traditions will have emerged in EBS?
Paying for a subscription-based service that gives students the flexibility to participate in learning the way they want to.

13. Will EBS have its first robotic students?
No, but students will be using AI-powered personal assistants who learn with them.

14. What will students be doing to keep themselves in shape during the exam period?
There won’t be exam periods anymore. Learning and learning outcomes will be assessed flexibly throughout the academic year.