35 years
dedicated to the future

What will EBS be like in 2028?
Tiit Orloff

What will EBS be like in 2028? In 2018, ebsters peeked into the future and predicted what life will look like in EBS in ten years.

An alumnus of EBS’s first graduating class of 1989, Tiit Orloff

1. What kind of teaching methods will be used in EBS?
EBS teaching methods will be internet based (the so-called modern distance learning).

2. Which countries will have an EBS campus and why these exactly?
The campus will still be in Estonia.

3. What will be the official learning and working language in EBS?
The official working and learning language will be English but thanks to translation robots, all world languages will be used, even Seto.

4. What will be the three largest nationalities in EBS?
Estonians, Indians, and Chinese.

5. Who of the ebsters would be the president of a country and if so, which country?
Estonia could have a president that’s an EBS graduate.

An alumnus of EBS’s first graduating class of 1989, Tiit Orloff.

6. What will be the most popular course among prospective students and why?
System management via large-scale artificial intelligence. The areas of use for robots are increasing explosively.

7. Where and how will EBS celebrate its 40th birthday?
Still in Estonia Theatre together with grand fireworks.

8. Which currency will tuition fees be paid in?
In Euros.

9. Will EBS employ a therapist?
A therapist will be necessary, also a psychiatrist.

10. What will EBS be famous for and why?
In 2028 EBS will be famous for having internet-based learning and lectures and seminars can be bought as streams even by non-ebsters. An environment akin to Spotify will be used.

11. Will EBS have childcare? Please provide reasons.
It seems childcare will not be necessary because learning is internet-based.

12. Will defending a Master’s thesis be necessary for a Master’s degree?
Defending a Master’s thesis will be necessary only if legislation demands it. I presume a student would be more interested in obtaining specific knowledge necessary for their future rather than preparing a fixed-term written paper and “defending” it in front of a committee.

13. What kind of new tradition will have emerged in EBS?
Unfortunately, I’m not much acquainted with the current traditions.

14. Will EBS have its first robotic student?
A robot student could be for testing the quality of professors.

15. What will students do to keep themselves awake during exam sessions?
In all likelihood, students will consume energy drinks and smoke weed during exam sessions (as everywhere else in the world). At the same time, in ten years you won’t have to be physically present during the exam session. A hologram of the student will be present.