35 years
dedicated to the future

What will EBS be like in 2028?
Mart Habakuk

What will EBS be like in 2028? In 2023, ebsters peeked into the future and predicted what life will look like in EBS in five years.

EBS Chancellor Mart Habakuk

1. What kind of teaching methods will be used in EBS?
Methods will be the same. What will have changed are the forms of communication, virtual and augmented reality will be used, and the teacher will sometimes be human and sometimes a machine with artificial intelligence.

2. Which countries will have an EBS campus and why these exactly?
In Tallinn and Helsinki. Perhaps pop-up campuses for corporate trainings in different cities.

3. What will be the official learning and working language in EBS?
Estonian and English.

4. What will be the three largest nationalities in EBS?
Dominantly Estonians and Finns, and then, after a vast gap, follow the other old European nations.

5. Who of the ebsters would be the president of a country and if so, which country?
I don’t think that option is likely. EBS contributes to preparing socially responsible entrepreneurs. If one of those entrepreneurs becomes a president, then it’s a good thing, but we take joy in each student that contributes to improving Estonia and the world without expecting anything in return.

EBS Chancellor Mart Habakuk.

6. What will be the most popular course among prospective students and why?
In 2028 students will set their goals themselves and an AI will compile a curriculum for them. Each student can choose their own curriculum, and form and pace of learning. Knowledge will be mainly attained online in different locations and at different times, including on campus. At university students will debate with knowledgeable people and discuss what has been learned. Various things are tested. People will participate in business projects and non-profit projects, both in university as well as outside it, where knowledge will be moulded into skills. ebsters will think it normal when, alongside work, family, hobbies, and developing their physical fitness, people also dedicate at least 10–15 ECTS credit points per year towards developing their mental fitness. By 2028 the most striving of ebsters will have over 500 ECTS credit points worth of meaningful skills that are decidedly broader than merely business and economics.

7. Where and how will EBS celebrate its 40th birthday?
On different floors of the new educational building.

8. Which currency will tuition fees be paid in?
Euro and/or Amazoncoin.

9. Will EBS employ a therapist?
There will be several universities in the same building with EBS where they will perhaps have therapists.

10. What will EBS be famous for and why?
There will always be a reason to come to EBS and walk on as a happier and better person a little while later – with at least one new idea.

11. Will EBS have childcare? Please provide reasons.
There will be close to EBS. Perhaps also in the EBS building. Because there exists a demand, the supply will not be long coming.

12. Will defending a Master’s thesis be necessary for a Master’s degree?
There will be several ways to do a Master’s thesis/exam. One way is a team essay or video presentation. All team members don’t have to be (but it will be recommended that they are) EBS students. To get a Master’s degree, one needs to show how an actual problem was solved in an actual organisation by using what was learned at university. What, how and why was used can successfully be described in both an essay as well as a video presentation. It doesn’t have to be a bound document presented in a scientific format. You can also graduate by passing a theoretical exam and completing a case study with 24 hours of preparation time. Graduating by such means will reward fewer ECTS credits then solving an actual problem as a team but will demonstrate the student’s abilities to implement what has been learned.

13. What kind of new tradition will have emerged in EBS?
Taking the new building into use will make traditions more varied. In addition to current traditions, new ones will emerge in relation to sports and leisure time.

14. Will EBS have its first robotic student?
Classrooms will hold student avatars but not robot students. Students will be using robot professors / conversation partners.

15. What will students do to keep themselves awake during exam sessions?
A way to obtain knowledge whilst sleeping has been found and staying awake in order to study is not strictly necessary.